The Obligatory “Top 5” Blog Posts of 2013
What would a New Year be without some sort of obligatory “top something list”? Here at Information Discovery Digest we are going to provide you; our valued readers, a look at the Top 5 blog posts by readership (not personal opinion) for the year 2013 and a shameless pat on the back to all of those who assisted us with the blog this year. A sincere thank you. Drum roll please;
Number 5: Is BYOD causing corporate culture fragmentation?
A major issue corporations are grappling with is the bring your own device phenomenon. This article looked at the balance between dealing with data security and corporate information protection and general employee culture and efficiencies. A follow up to this blog which I thought was pretty interesting was how Netflix is dealing with BYOB.
Number 4: How High do eDiscovery Costs Need to Be to Start Asking Questions?
Who could forget our blog post on “How High do eDiscovery Costs Need to Be to Start Asking Questions?” incorporating one of the greatest Curb Your Enthusiasm episodes ever created, The Car Salesman. This post was probably one of the most fun blogs written to date.
Number 3: Patenting Nature: The Next Generation in Patent Trolling….Up next patenting air
I’m not exactly sure why this blog got so much attention from our readers but it made it to our number 3 spot? Perhaps because patent trolling is so pertinent these days but this blog post seemed to hit a chord with people. The post looked at the recent Monsanto patent wars between small town farmers and begged the question if patenting air, similar to Aloysius O’Hare did in the movie The Lorax, was going to be next up on the docket?
Number 2: Government Shutdown for Dummies; A Legal Perspective
During the government shut down a lot of questions were focused on what was going to happen to the U.S. federal courts during the shutdown? Maybe the high readership on this blog was due to people searching “Government” and “Dummies” together?
Number 1: We could tell you, but then …
This post has been removed.
“For last year’s words belong to last year’s language . And next year’s words await another voice.” – T.S. Eliot, Four Quartets
Looking forward to what’s in store in 2014. In the New Year I’d like to focus some pieces on the unique individuals HAYSTACKID has on staff that make up the DNA of our company. I’d also like to look forward to having some more pieces written by our team members and executives. With that, wishing you all a happy and healthy New Year.