Decisions for Secure Remote Review: Qualifying Questions and Considerations
Editor’s Note: HaystackID continues to be uniquely positioned as the industry leader and most experienced provider in delivering secure remote review services for legal document reviews. Our first-to-market remote review infrastructure has been leveraged by AmLaw 100 and Fortune 500 clients for more than six years, with more than 425 projects completed to date. With more than 16,000 qualified reviewers available to support secure legal document reviews, HaystackID’s ReviewRight services continue to be the first choice and best choice for secure remote review for data and legal discovery professionals. The following update is designed to provide questions and considerations for eDiscovery decision-makers evaluating secure remote review offerings and providers.
Decisions for Secure Remote Review: Qualifying Questions and Considerations
Given the rapid changes in the review services environment during 2020, many organizations that have not previously employed remote reviews as part of their eDiscovery arsenal are now actively and aggressively evaluating secure remote review services. As not all secure remote review offerings and providers are equal, the following qualifying questions and considerations may be helpful for law firms and corporations in their evaluation of remote review services.
General questions that may help clarify a provider’s experience and expertise with remote secure review services include but are not limited to:
+ How long have you offered secure remote review services (when was your first matter)?
+ How many secure remote review only projects have you completed, and for approximately how many distinct clients?
+ For your secure remote review only projects, what is the average team size, and what is the largest team size for those projects?
+ How many of your reviewers and review managers have participated in a secure remote review project, and what is the average number of projects they have participated in, including the average length of time for those projects?
+ How many full-time reviewers, QCers, and review managers have participated in and are available for secure remote review projects?
+ How many of your reviewers and review managers have participated in a training and certification program designed by your organization for secure remote review projects? Describe your remote training and certification program.
+ Is the secure remote review service you are offering organic to your organization or delivered through a partnership? If the latter, please name the partner(s).
+ Please provide three distinct client references for your secure remote reviews.
Areas that should be questioned and evaluated when selecting remote review services providers include:
+ Remote Technology
+ Remote Security
+ Remote Processes (Including QC/QA, Communications, and Auditing)
Questions around these three critical areas of experience include but are not limited to:
+ Does your secure remote review offering provide an integrated, single service capability for communicating, connecting, and conducting reviews?
+ Describe in detail the hardware, technology, and infrastructure that delivers/provides your secure remote review offering and describe the security requirements, including protections in place if reviewers use their own hardware and are using WiFi.
+ Does your offering include a secure email capability with limited email sending capabilities?
+ How do you prevent access to review workspaces from local computers?
+ Does your secure infrastructure support controls to restrict administrative rights, disable USB access to peripheral devices, prevent installing/uploading of software and read/write access to local drives/media, restrict downloading and exporting to local machines, and denying printing (local, network, and screenprint)?
+ Does your secure infrastructure support clipboard redirection (no copy/cut/paste) and file/folder redirection?
+ Describe in detail your remote individual and team QC/QA processes and how they differ from onsite reviews, as well as how they differ from other providers, including how you ensure that reviewers are coding accurately and consistently throughout the review from start to finish.
+ Describe in detail your remote communication processes (with clients/counsel and internal team communications) and how they differ from onsite reviews, including the use of encrypted chat.
+ Describe in detail your time and productivity auditing procedures, including ensuring accurate time entry, and handling of downtime.
In the area of secure remote review staffing, the following questions can provide insight into provider capability.
+ Describe the staffing, screening, and recruitment processes for secure remote projects and how they differ from onsite reviews.
+ How are reviewers selected for secure remote review projects?
+ What types of checks (e.g., background, security, references, etc.) are run against secure remote review candidates and team members, to include how often are these checks validated.
+ What concrete metrics are used to select new (to your organization) and veteran reviewers (within your organization) for your secure remote review projects?
+ What must reviewers agree to in terms of technological and physical security, work schedules, and privacy protections? Provide sample documentation, including NDA/Confidentiality Agreements and Work from Home (WFH) Rules/Agreements.
Additionally, from a collective experience perspective, the following questions may provide insight into the organizational experience and aptitude to support secure remote review projects.
+ Describe the structure of remote teams including first line, quality control, and review manager ratios.
+ Does your organization have a dedicated internal management structure to support the complete review process?
+ Does your organization have dedicated review management teams with experience working together?
+ Does your organization have a pool of trained, qualified, and certified reviewers who have worked together in support of review projects?
From the answers to these qualifying questions, eDiscovery decision-makers should have enough information to make an initial assessment of providers being considered for secure remote review projects and be prepared to move into formal provider evaluations that include presentations, demonstrations, and discussions.
Learn More. Today.
Contact HaystackID today to learn more about our ReviewRight services and how they can help you initiate, execute, and manage secure remote reviews and maintain business continuity.
About HaystackID
HaystackID is a specialized eDiscovery services firm that helps corporations and law firms find, listen to, and learn from data when they face complex, data-intensive investigations and litigation. With an earned reputation for mobilizing industry-leading computer forensics, eDiscovery, and attorney document review experts, our Forensics First, Early Case Insight, and ReviewRight services accelerate and deliver quality outcomes at a fair and predictable price.
HaystackID serves more than 500 of the world’s leading corporations and law firms from North American and European locations. Our combination of expertise and technical excellence, coupled with a culture of white glove customer service, makes us the alternative legal services provider that is big enough to matter but small enough to care. Learn more today at
Additional Reading
+ The Right Choice for Secure Remote Review? Considerations and Qualifications
+ Certifications: An Indicator of eDiscovery Excellence
Source: HaystackID