Relativity is the leading legal discovery platform that helps users organize, discover the truth, and act on it. HaystackID eDiscovery experts have extensive experience leveraging Relativity to help customers address the challenges of data and legal discovery. HaystackID is a Relativity Best-in-Service Partner, a distinction that certifies our product expertise and excellence in customer service in relation to the most popular and powerful review platform around today. Additionally, HaystackID has a proven team of Relativity Certified experts who regularly help customers translate discovery needs into completed actions.
Early Case Assessment
Quickly analyze and synthesize data to assess the overarching facts and determine case strategy.
Prepare native files for review with a flexible and robust, yet user-friendly workflow.
Amplify your eDiscovery efforts with visual data analytics.
Assisted Review
Amplify your eDiscovery efforts with machine learning technologies.
Adapt your workflow to match the needs of any case, from small and simple to large and complex.
Automate complex productions and meet tight deadlines to fulfill production requirements.