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Going for the Gold (MEDAL)? Mobile Elite Discovery and Analysis Lab for Android and iOS Mobile Devices (October 20, 2021)

Virtual , United States

Companies pouring over high-stakes investigations and litigation now have immediate access to a powerful new service to assist in identifying and analyzing digital clues from mobile devices through HaystackID’s Mobile Elite Discovery and Analysis Lab (MEDAL). Forensics professionals require specialized skills and powerful tools to investigate various platforms ranging from smart devices to messaging systems for issues including criminal activity, misconduct, and embezzlement. With our MEDAL service, professionals can find, understand, and learn from data at the start of the legal discovery continuum.

Governance, Privacy and Exposure: Understanding Information Governance, Data Privacy, and Data Breach Exposure

Virtual , United States

Organizations today, both private and public, should be excited about what is happening with their data and their networks, as advancements in technology have finally caught up with the requirements necessary to handle and manage via controls and classification, any volume of data, regardless of magnitude, in any repository, in any geography, behind the firewall or in the cloud or in a hybrid environment. However, there are risks that must be considered.

Out of the Breach and Into The Fire! The Importance of Discovery Intelligence in Sensitive Data Discovery

Virtual , United States

Finding, understanding, and addressing sensitive information ranging from personally identifiable information (PII) to protected health information (PHI) and acting on the challenges and requests it drives has fast become a necessity for cybersecurity, information governance, and eDiscovery professionals in today’s data-driven world.

[Webcast] Data Forensic Investigations Exploitation by Concept Searching

Growing data volumes for corporate investigations and compliance create a critical need for methods, technologies, and processes to quickly analyze massive amounts of communications and information. One such technology is conceptual analytics, which corporations and government agencies have used to assist with cyber discovery, information governance, and legal discovery audits, investigations, and litigation.

[Webcast] The Hierarchy of Technology-Assisted Review: From Active Learning to Optimal Results

As leading legal departments and law firms move from asking about Technology-Assisted Review (TAR) to asking for it, it is increasingly essential for legal discovery, information governance, and cybersecurity professionals to have a firm grasp of the practical aspects of Active Learning (AL). It is also crucial for those professionals to apply matter-specific and geographically driven nuances to the application of AL to ensure optimal investigation and litigation results.

[Webcast] From Strategy to Tactics: Data Remediation at Private Equity and Hedge Funds

Virtual , United States

Private Equity and Hedge Funds are notorious for never deleting anything unless required because that information may be needed in the future. Unfortunately, due to an exponential growth in cyber-attacks coinciding with exponential growth in data, firms continue to fall behind, and enterprise risk management efforts suffer without the ability to know the differences between the values of various information assets that they maintain.

[Webcast] Considerations and Challenges for Blockchain, Cryptocurrency and NFT Investigations


With the increasing importance of privacy and security in today's business world coupled with the advancement and acceptance of transaction technologies ranging from blockchain and cryptocurrencies to non-fungible tokens (NFTs), today's digital forensics professionals are behind the proverbial power curve if they do not have a basic understanding of these emerging technologies. They are further behind that curve if they do not understand the investigational considerations and challenges of these technologies as they move from aspirational advancements to accepted and practical business tools.

[Webcast] You’ve Got to Move It: Data Protection and Privacy with Cross-Border Transfers

Virtual , United States

As borders blur and businesses expand, many companies face accelerating challenges in data protection, privacy, and cross-border transfers. Dealing with each of these areas on its own can be daunting, and addressing each of these areas together can be downright discouraging. However, with a solid understanding of requirements, roles, and responsibilities, information governance and legal discovery professionals can successfully navigate the difficulties of cross-border transfers and translate compliance challenges into business opportunities.

[Webcast] CFIUS Compliance: Your Organization’s Growth and Investment Strategy May Be a Matter of National Security

Virtual , United States

The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) is a U.S. government interagency committee with the responsibility to review foreign investments in U.S. businesses and real estate transactions for national security implications. CFIUS is ultimately concerned with protecting the national security of the U.S. via a National Security Agreement (NSA) with the business. With a solid understanding of CFIUS requirements, roles, and responsibilities, IT Security, Compliance, Privacy, Information Governance, and Legal Discovery professionals can successfully navigate the difficulties of CFIUS compliance challenges and fulfill business objectives.

[Webcast] Data Mining in Incident Response: Managing Risk and Spend through an Effective Evidence-Based Approach

Virtual Event

Data mining has increasingly become one of the largest expenses during a cyber incident, often leaving claims professionals with blown budgets and insured clients in high-risk scenarios when assumptions about their data (and what may lurk within) dictate the operationalized response towards providing notice to affected parties after a breach.