nPractice® Discovery Management for Law Firms

HaystackID’s nPractice is a predictable discovery management program similar to nVision but designed specifically for law firms and consulting practices to enable the provision of services to their clients. We take care of all the technology and infrastructure allowing you to have complete administrative control over user groups, workspaces, coding forms, review batches and security. Best of all, with minimal, easily met minimum usage thresholds, designed to allow law practices to recover costs in a defensible and manageable methodology.

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    [id] => 10755
    [title] => HaystackID_nPractice_FactSheet_102820
    [filename] => HaystackID_nPractice_FactSheet_102820.pdf
    [filesize] => 178453
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    [name] => haystackid_npractice_factsheet_102820
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    [date] => 2020-12-08 02:28:35
    [modified] => 2020-12-08 02:28:35
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Learn more today.

Contact us today to learn how HaystackID’s nPractice discovery management program can help put you in complete admistrative control of your clients’ matters.